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Previous Strategic Development Plan May 2012

Previous Strategic Development Plan May 2012

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The Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan was approved with modifications by Scottish Ministers on 29th May 2012 and published by Clydeplan on 13th July 2012.

The Strategic Development Plan sets out a development strategy over the next 20 years of where new development should be located and a policy framework to help deliver sustainable economic growth, shape good quality places and enhance the quality of life in the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley city region. The Plan focuses on growing the economy of the city region in a low carbon and sustainable manner and setting out a planning framework which positively encourages investment within Glasgow and the Clyde Valley.

The Approved Strategic Development Plan May 2012 and related Background Reports, Strategic Environmental Assessment Reports and Habitats Regulations Appraisal are set out below.

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Key Documents

Strategic Development Plan May 2012
Action Programme August 2014
Strategic Development Plan May 2012 Overview

Background Reports

BR01: Economic outlook and scenarios
BR08: Green Network Spatial Priorities
BR02: Projection of Population and Households to 2025
BR09: Forestry and Woodland Framework
BR03: Strategic Futures Group Visioning
BR10: Minerals Search Areas
BR04: Vacant and Derelict Land 2010
BR11: Wind Energy Search Areas
BR05: Strategic Economic Investment Locations
BR12: Housing Need and Demand Assessment Final
BR06: Greenhouse Gas Audit and Scenarios
BR13: Urban Capacity Study 2009
BR07: Land-use and transportation integration
BR14: Network of Strategic Centres

SEA Reports

Environmental Report Revised Non Technical Summary November 2011 PDF
SEA Post Adoption Statement
Environmental Report Revised November 2010
Strategic Development Plan Proposed Plan Supplementary Environmental Report
Environmental Report Revised Appendices November 2010
Strategic Development Plan Proposed Plan Supplementary Environmental Report Non-Technical Summary
Forestry and Woodland Strategy Environmental Report June 2011

Other Reports

Habitat Regulations Appraisal
HNDA (June 2011) Gross Current Backlog Need
CHMA Final Appraisal Letter June 2011
HNDA (June 2011) TA04 Affordability Study
Housing Need and Demand Assessment Final
HNDA (June 2011) TA05 House Price Analysis
HNDA (June 2011) TA01 A Housing Market Area Framework
HNDA (June 2011) TA06 Review of Supply and Demand Need for Housing (incl Annexes)
HNDA (June 2011) TA02 Current Housing Supply Stock Profile

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Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) “robust and credible”

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